A 3-Day Retreat At AUROVILLE

A Transformation Journey Dedicated To Aligning Mind, Body, and Spirit

Join Us Where, Even Time Takes A Break!

Does this sound familiar?

As a leaders you face a unique set of challenges that often go beyond traditional business pressures. Are you looking at a space and time where you can indulge into deep rejuvenation, reflection, and realignment, away from the maddening crowd, and the city life? Are these some of the struggles you're facing?

  • Burnout and Overwhelm: Constantly juggling high expectations, demanding workloads, and complex decision-making can lead to burnout. You often find yourself feeling depleted, both mentally and physically, making it difficult to sustain high performance.

  • Lack of Clarity and Focus: With endless to-do lists and competing priorities, you end up losing clarity on your vision, and struggle to focus on what truly matters. This scattered mindset not only hinders your strategic alignment as a leader but also as a person, leading to difficulty in relationships.

  • Emotional Fatigue and Stress: High-stakes environments and complex interpersonal dynamics can create immense emotional fatigue. You may be carrying the weight of others' expectations, navigating conflicts and managing change—all of which take a toll on mental well-being.

  • Leadership Isolation: Leadership can be a lonely journey, where leaders struggle to find spaces to openly express doubts or vulnerabilities. This isolation can hinder personal growth and prevent you from seeking support when needed.

  • Reactive vs. Intentional Leadership: Many leaders find themselves caught in a reactive mode, constantly responding to external pressures instead of proactively shaping their vision and direction. This reactive state can erode leadership effectiveness over time.

  • Difficulty in Letting Go: Holding on to control can hinder a leader’s ability to delegate effectively and trust others in their organization. This struggle to release control often leads to micromanagement, impacting team dynamics and personal well-being.

This retreat is here to help!

What you really need is some time to set aside for only "YOU"

To Rejuvenate, Refresh & Re-align to who you "Truly" are!

Who Is This Perfect For

This retreat is for anyone who wants to have that "Me" time to reflect within away from the maddening crowd and day today responsibilities, and rediscover yourself.

The retreat is for you if you want to reconnect with yourselves, rejuvenate, and gain clarity. It’s particularly beneficial for you if you are seeking to balance your personal and professional lives, overcome stress, and realign your purpose.

We welcome you if you are any of the following -

business owners


corporate leaders



home makers/LEADERS

Welcome to the

"Harmonize Your Aura" (HYA) Program

Become A Balanced, Powerful & A Purpose-driven Leader

The "Harmonize Your Aura" retreat is a 3-day immersive experience designed exclusively for leaders who seek to realign their mind, body, and spirit, fostering a holistic approach to leadership.

This retreat offers a much-needed sanctuary from the relentless demands of daily business life, creating a sacred space for deep introspection, personal rejuvenation and spiritual alignment.

Over three transformative days, you will focus entirely on yourself—immersing in individual and group practices that restore balance, enhance clarity, and guide you toward spiritual alignment.

This retreat invites you to step away from the pressures of leadership and rediscover your inner strength, allowing you to return more empowered, centered, and ready to lead with purpose.

You will engage in experiential learning workshops, enhance your knowledge and skills as a leader & build your inner ethos.

The serene and spiritually charged community of Auroville will support your work, create a unique, harmonious, and nurturing environment for healing.

By the end of this journey, you will emerge with a sense of calm, renewed energy, and a profound sense of purpose, ready to lead your roles with greater wisdom and authenticity.

Program Benefits

Enhanced Clarity and Focus: Through introspective practices and experiential workshops, gain greater mental clarity, reconnect with your inner purpose, and strengthen your ability to lead with wisdom and focus.

Deep Rejuvenation: Step away from daily business pressures and immerse yourself in a serene environment that allows for complete rest and renewal of body, mind, and spirit.

Empowered Leadership: Return to your organization with a renewed sense of energy, purpose, and resilience, equipped with enhanced leadership skills and a clear, purposeful ethos to guide your team.

Spiritual Alignment: Experience a journey toward deeper spiritual alignment, leaving you feeling more centered, balanced, and ready to lead authentically from a place of inner strength and calm.

Healing Environment: Benefit from the spiritually nurturing and harmonious community of Auroville, providing a unique space for personal growth, healing, and transformation

Program Take-aways

Discover a unique yet process of finding yourself and creating a balance between all four areas of your being - Spiritual, Emotional, Physical and Mental.

3-Day Program Plan for the

‘Harmonize Your Aura’ Retreat

This program is designed to help leaders reset, rejuvenate, and realign their inner and outer worlds. Each day builds upon the previous one, integrating mind-body-spirit practices to create a holistic experience. Below is a detailed breakdown of each day’s focus and activities:

Day 1: Grounding and Self-Awareness

Theme: Finding Balance and Connecting with the Self

Focus: Yogatherapy, Mindfulness, Awareness Through the Body, and Introduction to Integral Yoga

Morning Session: Yogatherapy for Relaxation & Release

Gentle therapeutic yoga to open the body, release tension, and cultivate a state of ease.

Breathing practices to enhance self-awareness and set the tone for the retreat.

Mid-Morning: Mindfulness & Awareness Through the Body

Guided mindfulness practices to build present-moment awareness and inner calm.

Sensory exercises to connect with bodily sensations and deepen self-exploration.

Afternoon: Introduction to Integral Yoga

Explore the philosophy and practice of Integral Yoga as a pathway to harmonize body, mind, and spirit.

Introduction to how this approach supports holistic leadership.

Evening: Welcome the evening with soul nurturing vibrational sound bath

Embark on a calming journey of meditation with vibrant, deep sounds that resonate and enrich.

Feel an intense peace within, and deep relaxation for your mind and body, fostering self-healing.

Evening Reflection & Journaling

Participants reflect on their personal experiences and insights from the day.

Set intentions for their inner growth and leadership transformation.

Day 2: Inner Alignment and Equine Leadership

Theme: Harnessing Inner Strength & Communicating Effectively

Focus: Yogatherapy, Leadership with Horses, and Understanding Left Brain vs. Right Brain Communication

Morning Session: Yogatherapy for Mental Clarity & Inner Focus

Dynamic yoga session to build physical strength, release mental clutter, and increase resilience.

Techniques to boost mental clarity and concentration.

Mid-Morning: Leadership with Horses – Building Trust & Communication

Engage in experiential equine activities that reveal authentic leadership traits.

Learn how working with horses enhances non-verbal communication, emotional intelligence, and team trust.

Explore leadership presence and how to establish genuine connections.

Afternoon: Understanding Left Brain vs. Right Brain Communication

Workshop to explore how the left and right hemispheres influence thinking, problem-solving, and leadership communication.

Practical exercises to harness the power of both for more holistic decision-making and effective communication.

Evening: Explore Nature & Its Healing Powers

Join for a quick exercise to tap into a lifelong resource that's always there for you.

This exercise will help realign, strengthen, and balance you whenever you need it.

Evening Reflection & Journaling

Reflect on leadership insights from working with horses and communication learnings.

Group sharing to deepen understanding and integrate lessons.

Day 3: Heart-Centered Transformation and Goal Setting

Theme: Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs and Creating a Vision for a Purposeful Life

Focus: Discovering the Layers of the Heart, Overcoming Inner Beliefs, and Designing a Life of Your Dreams

Morning Session: Discovering the Layers of the Heart

Heart-centered meditation and yogic practices to connect with deeper emotions, compassion, and empathy.

Techniques to access the core layers of consciousness and align with authentic self-expression.

Mid-Morning: Breaking Free from Inner Beliefs & Creating New Realities

Explore limiting beliefs, emotional blockages, and unconscious patterns that hold you back.

Guided exercises to identify and release these internal barriers.

Learn how to replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones to create a life that aligns with your deepest aspirations.

Afternoon: Creating Your Dream Vision & Setting Goals

Guided visualization and goal-setting practices to design a vision for your ideal life.

Create a “Personal Leadership Blueprint” with specific goals and action steps that align your personal purpose with professional aspirations.

Evening: Closing Reflections & Group Sharing

Participants share their key takeaways, transformations, and personal commitments.

Final guidance on maintaining inner harmony and translating insights into sustainable change.

Experience tranquility at Afsanah Guest House, a serene sanctuary established in 1989 in Auroville, near Pondicherry. Nestled in the peaceful Kottakarai forest, its traditional Japanese architecture, Zen gardens, and exquisite pool create a harmonious retreat for relaxation and rejuvenation, offering decades of cherished hospitality in nature’s embrace.

Our Trusted Partners

We work with a group of experienced, international coaches, facilitators, therapists that are based in Auroville and Pondicherry and have been working over a decade plus in their specialized fields. Some of them have been doing research in their fields and have their own academies.

Together we have created this retreat to empower each participant who joins us to help them create a meaningful and true transformation within that not only will change their present but also their future.


What Our Clients Say

"My leadership changed forever"

“On a personal level, yoga has taught me that success is defined by self-mastery, not external scorecards. As a CEO, I've learned that effective leadership requires establishing vision, creating a positive culture, demonstrating emotional intelligence, and offering resilience, beyond just financial metrics. Yoga's practice of setting daily intentions can help CEOs stay focused on fulfilling their vision, even when working with colleagues they may not have chosen.”

Mohanraj Chandran


"Expanded consciousness"

Focusing on and concentrating on the body was both enjoyable and fun, while also bringing about a sense of awareness.

And, the idea of taking everything as an opportunity for expanding consciousness was both challenging and rewarding.

Chasun Shin

The Executive Director

"Alignment of sub-consciousness"

Since 2016 I have been working with Ashesh Joshi who delivers theoretical classes on Integral Yoga complemented with concentration exercises and interactive games to bring a comprehensible content to the students, always with a humble and service-oriented attitude. This has made Ashesh's classes become a key point of our visit to Auroville and Pondicherry in search of understanding the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the vision of The Mother at the time of conceptualizing Auroville.

Vera's Russian bell sessions constitute a fantastic closing not only for the artistic part -so connected to Auroville- but also because the calibration of the body and mind through the sound session allows the information received to better anchor in the subconscious.

With great pleasure, we recommend taking the combination of both sessions: classes with Ashesh and sound bath with Vera, being one of the most introspective experiences offered today from Auroville.

Andrea Eberle

CEO & Founder, Alma Journeys India Private Limited, Auroville, Tamil Nadu

"Highly recommend for leaders"

Training with different horses heightened my awareness of adapting to individuals' varying personalities, similar to my experience as a primary school teacher. Horses provided a reflective learning environment where respect, mindfulness, and love took center stage. Their reactions mirrored my inner thoughts and emotions, teaching me how subtle intentions could guide them, just as they do with students. I learned the importance of tuning into another being, motivating, challenging, and rewarding them in a balanced way.

The horses also gave me unfiltered feedback, teaching me to set clear boundaries while embodying values like trust, kindness, calmness, and connectedness. I became more aware of my own emotions and how my nervous system affects others, learning the importance of self-regulation.

Mirrabelle’s empathetic guidance helped me apply these lessons to my daily life and leadership role. I wholeheartedly recommend Natural Horsemanship for improving communication, self-awareness, and leadership skills.

Samuel Winkler

School Teacher/Educator, Switzerland


Join On Any Of these Dates -

4-7 nOVEMBER 2024 / 18-21 JANUARY 2025

Investment Into Yourself

Includes :

  • The entire program for 3 days

  • Accommodation at Afsanah Guest House, Auroville

  • Breakfast, Tea / Coffee, Snacks during the stay

  • Travel within Auroville during workshops

  • Handouts / Workshop Materials / Souvenir

Excludes :

  • Travel to and from Auroville

  • Lunch and dinner for 3 days (We can provide you close by many restaurant options )

Total value: $2097

Today Just $1050


Frequently Asked Questions

We understand you may have some questions even now. We are trying to answer them for you. However if you still would like to get any clarifications, please connect with us by clicking the button below and our team will be happy to assist you.

Question 1: What is the nearest airport to Auroville and how can I reach there?

The nearest airport you can land in is at Chennai. You can either take a cab from the airport to come to Afsanah Guest House in Auroville which is about 7- 8 kms from Pondicherry or you can ask us and we will recommend our known travel agent to support you with your cab drive. The cost for the cab is INR 3700 one way. It can be cheaper by Ola.

Question 2: Can I come by train or bus?

Pondicherry has a train station and bus stand. Check with the railway and bus time tables for guidance.

Question 3: What should I bring to the retreat?

Bring comfortable clothing for yoga and mindfulness sessions, a journal for reflections, and an open mind. All other materials needed for the sessions will be provided. You may want to bring a small umbrella as it may rain sometimes.

Question 4: Do I need prior experience in yoga, mindfulness or with horses to participate?

No prior experience is necessary. The retreat is designed to be inclusive, and all sessions are adapted to suit different experience levels, whether you are a beginner or seasoned in yoga, mindfulness or with horses.

Question 5: What kind of an accommodation is this?

The intent of this workshop is to get you away from the luxuries of the modern world which in fact deplete a lot of our inner strengths. The Afsanah guest house is comfortable with A.C. but does not have any television and no regular Five-Star hotel entertainments. We also suggest you come with the mind of having a non-alcoholic retreat:)

Question 6: I have some health challenges. Will this be fine for me?

Let us know your health issues or allergies you are prone to in advance. We will advice you accordingly.

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